


Aimed at NCCs, IMOs and AWG Chairs, the GNC-CT recently did a launch of this guidance that will be piloted in English and in French. 

This guidance outlines the steps for conducting a Nutrition Situation Analysis, identifying information for the Humanitarian Needs Overview, which feeds into response plans and updates, whether IASC Cluster system has…


Dear colleagues on behalf of the GTAM Programme Adaptation team and the sub-group on webinars within the IFE Core Group we would like to encourage countries to share their best practices in adapting IYCF-E programmes during the Covid 19 pandemic via webinars.  

Solicitation of contributions/case studies: 

We would like to solicit the…


UNICEF, WHO, IBFAN and the IFE Core Group are happy to invite you to a Webinar ‘Protecting Breastfeeding in the Time of COVID-19: Implementation of the Code in Asia’ to be held on June 24 at 12:30 PM Delhi/2:00 PM Bangkok/3:00 PM Manila time.

Please join and feel free to share this information with your contacts in government, development and…


We are glad to share Nutrition Information in Routine Reporting Systems. This landscape analysis conducted by UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa provides an insightful review of the nutrition data reported through national routine information systems in 21 countries of the region. UNICEF’s systems approach to maternal and child…


Sharing with you Street Child UK’s (SCUK) recent and highly interesting global COVID-19 rapid assessment , which was published last week. SCUK interviewed over 12,100 respondents across 13 countries, including the 6 protracted crisis settings. With the help of a network of 50+ national partners, they asked questions on COVID-19 prevention and preparedness, on…

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