
Dear colleagues on behalf of the GTAM Programme Adaptation team and the sub-group on webinars within the IFE Core Group we would like to encourage countries to share their best practices in adapting IYCF-E programmes during the Covid 19 pandemic via webinars.  

Solicitation of contributions/case studies

We would like to solicit the submission of relevant Case Studies on the implementation of the IFE-Operational Guidance during the Covid 19 pandemic. We would like you to please encourage colleagues at the global, regional and country levels to submit ideas that could be considered for sharing during one of the webinars.

We have prepared a simple form that can be used to submit your Case Studies. Please find the form uploaded on this webpage: https://www.nutritioncluster.net/node/18016

We encourage all of you to disseminate as widely as possible through your networks and groups as well for submission. These will be reviewed by the working group. 

 Please submit your Case Study/Form by COB June 30, 2020

 Feel free to send any queries and requests for clarification directly to myself and Alex: 

 Here are some details about the webinars: 

 The objectives of these webinars are to:

  • Raise awareness on the different recommendations and standards proposed by the IFE-OG and how they are adapted during the Covid 19 pandemic
  • Increase knowledge and understanding through sharing of best practices and lessons learned  in the adaptation of IYCF-E during the Covid 19 pandemic
  • Galvanize field workers, programme managers, decision and policy makers, donors and funding agencies in scaling up efforts and resources to protect, promote and support IYCF also during the pandemic   

The webinars will target a wide range of audiences including

  • Field workers  and staff from government, national and international organizations (health and nutrition, FSL, WASH and other relevant sectors);
  • Health and Nutrition Programme Managers (health and nutrition, FSL, WASH and other relevant sectors) ;
  • Donor/funding agencies ; and
  • Policy makers, decision makers, country level managers  (specifically for the introductory webinar and the launch of the Global Report on the progress of the IYCF-E Operational Guidance 

The idea is to have webinars that will help unpack and better understand the different actions, standards and recommendations of the IFE-OG with concrete field experiences. A series will be planned to reflect the different components of the guidance. 

 Each webinar will be facilitated by a lead specialist in the field, and provide space for 2 case study presentations from any contexts, including humanitarian and fragile environments. 

Thank you very much in advance for your contribution and we look forward to an exciting webinar series with the support of our members and partners. 


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