


The new GTAM Website is now available. You can find the following information on the Website:

Key resources about different thematic areas in the field of Nutrition in Emergencies A dedicated COVID-19 page with tools for programmatic adaptation General information about the GTAM, its structures, functioning, and support available to the collective.…

Thank you for attending the WHO/AFRO virtual meeting training on using the M&E System to Capture and Communicate COVID-19 Response Activities in Countries of Africa on Wednesday, May 27



Two resources that can support countries to protect breastfeeding, through the implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

Status Report on the Implementation of the International Code (WHO, UNICEF, IBFAN, 2020). The report includes a thorough analysis of legal measures in force in 194 countries, providing an…

As part of the process of developing guidance on the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for nutrition outcomes, the GNC Cash Adviser with the support of the Nutrition Cluster in Nigeria conducted a case study to document the experiences and lessons learned in the context of Nigeria.

The case study report further contains recommendations on how CVA…


Triage of COVID-19 Patients: IPC Monitoring and Facility Readiness for COVID-19 Thursday, May 21, 2020

Link to Video of Session

IPC Monitoring and Facility Readiness for COVID-19, Benedetta Allegranzi, MD, IPC Clinical & Technical Hub & Task Force, WHO HQ - Presentation Slides Monitoring Facility Readiness for COVID-19 in non-US…

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