
Thank you for attending the WHO/AFRO virtual meeting training on using the M&E System to Capture and Communicate COVID-19 Response Activities in Countries of Africa on Wednesday, May 27

                                                  Presentation Slides
Using the M&E System to Capture and Communicate COVID-19 Response Activities in Countries of Africa

  • Section 1: Overview of COVID-19 Response M&E System -  Peter Phori, WHO AFRO Regional Office; Stephen Fawcett, WHO Collaborating Centre, Univ. of Kansas 
  • Section 2: Capturing COVID-19 Response Activities -  Peter Phori, WHO AFRO Regional Office; Stephen Fawcett, WHO Collaborating Centre, Univ. of Kansas
  • Section 3 & 4: WHO M&E Work—Capturing, Coding, and Characterizing Response Activities in the M&E System - Peter Phori, WHO AFRO Regional Office; Stephen Fawcett, WHO Collaborating Centre, Univ. of Kansas; Ruaa Hassaballa, WHO CC, Univ. of Kansas
  • Section 5: Communicating Progress and Sensemaking with COVID-19 Response Activities using the System - Peter Phori, WHO AFRO Regional Office; Stephen Fawcett, WHO Collaborating Centre, Univ. of Kansas; Ruaa Hassaballa, WHO CC, Univ. of Kansas


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