


Myanmar has been in a continuous state of civil war since its independence in 1948 after 63 years of British colonization – making it the longest ongoing civil war in the world. In February 2021, the Myanmar military took over power and declared a year-long state of emergency after they were displeased with the election results. The political crisis forged the way…


The World Health Organization states that roughly 50% of malnutrition cases are linked to recurrent diarrhea and/or intestinal infections because of people’s lack of access to sufficient and safe drinking water and poor sanitation facilities.

That’s why to mark World Water Day we want to highlight the very important link between nutrition and water and why a…

We would like to acknowledge the departure of two colleagues who made a significant impact and contribution to the GNC and the work we do. In 2023, we have said farewell to both Anna Ziolkovska (GNC CT) and Ben Allen (GNC Technical Alliance).

Anna Ziolkovska was the Deputy Global Nutrition Cluster Coordinator for the GNC CT. She had a…


This March, we’re celebrating International Women’s Day – a day to honor the achievements of women worldwide and draw attention to the inequities still present for most women today.

While action is being taken by many actors to close the gender gap in nutrition, women and…


Vanuatu has been affected by two destructive cyclones (Judy and Kevin) and a 6.6 M earthquake between 1-4 March 2023. Vanuatu declared a state of emergency for the whole country. The UN, NDMO and the humanitarian community are carrying out a needs assessment. Early indications indicate widespread damage and destruction to shelter, structures made from local…

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