


In 2015, world leaders committed to ending malnutrition in all its forms by 2030 through the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 2 seeks Zero Hunger, and it comes with a specific target of reducing the proportion of children suffering from wasting to <5 per cent by 2025, and <3 per cent by 2030. Sadly, we are…


Check out our August newsletter, which is full of valuable resources and upcoming events. We also included an article for World Humanitarian Day about an innovative approach taken by a local Malian NGO to address "small" challenges when addressing nutrition interventions. 

Past issues of our newsletter can be found here.

‘We have been able to reach more parents even in conflict zones, empower them to identify signs of malnutrition and engage them in the fight against malnutrition’

A quote from a field worker from Avenir, an NGO working in Mali since 2014, who is referring to the experience of using short videos and audio…


Alexa Humphreys is the Assessment Advisor for the Global Nutrition Cluster. As a member of the Technical Support Team, Alexa helps practitioners improve the quality of their nutrition assessments. Here, she offers a quick overview of Nutrition Information Systems and why they are important to addressing nutrition issues, especially in emergencies.

What are…



To mark World Breastfeeding Week, Brooke Bauer – the Global Nutrition Cluster’s Infant & Young Children Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Advisor – shares why breastfeeding is the single biggest lifesaving intervention for infants and young children and should always be encouraged – especially in emergencies…

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