


The benefits of working with local and national organizations are well documented. Enabling local organizations to drive interventions ensures more contextually appropriate programs, increases access to marginalized groups, and supports local solutions to local problems.

We also have an ethical obligation to enable national organizations to lead…


In 2022, global challenges, such as the ongoing war in Ukraine and droughts in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, disrupted food supply chains, caused crop failures and loss of livestock and led to increased hunger and malnutrition worldwide. According to the 2022 Global Humanitarian Overview, 274 million people required humanitarian assistance and protection – a…


The May newsletter is out and full of new news – including the GNC Annual report –, quite a few resources including a link to the GNC resource webpage, upcoming events and various job opportunities. We also said "farewell" to two colleagues who have not traveled far from the GNC and will still be a part of the team, but a part of the Haiti Nutrition Cluster. We…


This Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) signposting document aims to offer some of the key CMAM-related resources (focusing on humanitarian contexts) as of February 2023.

© UNICEF/UN0838545/Karimi

This tool was developed based on a regular technical request posed to the Alliance which…


In late 2021, the Nutrition Cluster in Burkina Faso reached out to us for technical support. The country was in the throes of crisis as communities faced food insecurity, natural disasters, conflicts caused by armed groups and inter-community tensions and, of course, the COVID 19 pandemic.

Many families were displaced throughout the country. In fact, the…

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