


These messages address the climate change related concerns in the context of humanitarian action and  COVID-19. The objective of these key messages is to facilitate consistent messaging among IASC members during upcoming climate change events in 2020. This includes the announcement of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the UK Prime Minister…


Message on behalf of Alice Armanni Sequi, Chief of OCHA Pooled Fund Management Branch

I am writing to formally share with you the updated CERF Life-Saving Criteria, approved by the Emergency Relief Coordinator. As many of you know, the previous version of the Life-Saving Criteria had been drafted in 2009. The recent updating has been…


Tech RRT in collaboration with SMART, GNC Coordination Team, GNC-Technical Alliance (formerly GTAM), IPC, UNICEF and Save the Children led an interactive webinar (recording and slide deck can be found here) on Thursday, October 29th to support nutrition surveys in the COVID-19 context. This webinar presented the recently released…


The UNICEF’s Accountability to Affected Populations Unit has prepared this Handbook to help UNICEF staff, partner agencies, governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) increase their understanding of Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and to gain practical knowledge and skills in applying AAP principles in their daily work. It is intended…


The GNC CT organized a webinar entitled 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan Process through a Nutrition Lens on Tuesday 13th October (English) and Thursday 15th October (French). The purpose of this webinar was to discuss the HRP process, in light of the new enhanced HPC, through a Nutrition Cluster/Sector…

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