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Meeting Report: Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants under 6 months (MAMI) Interest Group Meeting

The meeting was co-hosted by ENN, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Save the Children as part of an ongoing co...

Compendium of Actions for Nutrition

The UN Network for SUN/REACH Secretariat has developed, in consultation with United Nations partner agencies, a Compendium of Actions f...

4W - Who does what when and where

The tool: Adaptable 4W in Excel to be used in nutrition clusters to gather and analyse information on operational presence of the nutri...

Preventing Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) through nutrition-specific interventions

CMAM Forum Technical Brief September 2014 This Technical Brief reviews current practice and evidence on nutrition-specific preventive ...

Preventing Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) through nutrition-sensitive interventions

CMAM Forum Technical Brief: December 2014 This Technical Brief examines current evidence, knowledge and practice relating to the preve...

Management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM): current knowledge and practice

CMAM Forum Technical Brief: September 2014 This Technical Brief focuses on current principles and approaches to MAM management, highl...

Lansa Working Paper - Women’s Agricultural Work and Nutrition in Pakistan: Findings from Qualitative Research

This paper is part of a larger exploratory study to answer the question: how might women's work in agriculture help rather than hinder ...

Global Nutrition Report 2015

Children whose growth is stunted, people who don't get enough vitamins and minerals for a healthy life, adults who are overweight and o...


EVIDENCE FROM STUDIES IN LOWAND MIDDLE-INCOME COUNTRIES Across the globe, undernutrition takes a grave toll on women, infants, and chi...

ENN 2015 External Evaluation

This is the report of an independent evaluation of the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), undertaken by a team from Mokoro Limited. Th...

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