


This case study is one of three, which form the basis for a global report commissioned by the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) and the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Secretariat (SMS) to capture experiences from crisis-affected states (CAS) and suggest practical options to strengthen the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (HDN) for greater nutrition outcomes. The…


The South Sudan Case Study on the Inter-cluster Famine Response Strategy been published in English and French! 

The crisis in South Sudan remains complex and protracted with both acute and chronic needs experienced at varying levels across 78 counties of the country and Abyei region. Nearly 4 million people remain displaced by the humanitarian crisis…


The final and endorsed IASC Operational Guidance on Data Responsibility is now available. This Guidance offers a set of principles and actions which country teams, clusters and/or sectors, and organizations can implement for data responsibility in humanitarian action.

Data responsibility in humanitarian action is the safe, ethical and…


Judith Hodge took up her role as Knowledge Management (KM) Specialist with the GNC-CT team in January 2021. She has a masters’ degree in Public Health Nutrition and over 12 years’ experience in both global and UK-based nutrition projects, with a focus on delivering nutrition research and ‘stories’ to a wider audience, curating and disseminating knowledge across…


The Yemen Integrated Famine Risk Reduction (IFRR) case study is now available in French! 

Yemen Food Security and Agriculture Cluster, the Water and Sanitation Cluster, the Nutrition Cluster and the Health Clusters launched in October 2017 the Yemen Integrated Famine Risk Reduction (IFRR) strategy. The main objective of the…

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