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Wasting 'Reset'- Catalysing action and accountability on child wasting: Prevention, early detection and treatment

There is no time to lose or waste: the time has come for a wasting 'reset' A synthesis of working group recommendations to guide the d...

‘Reset’ of wasting prevention and treatment to catalyse action and accountability

Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) has submitted a game-changer on a 'wasting reset' that has been included as part of the game-changers...

Food Systems Scoping Brief

This year, 2021, is critical for nutrition, and issues around food systems will take centre stage. The Food Systems Summit will take pl...

Frequently Asked Questions: COVID-19 vaccines and breastfeeding based on WHO SAGE interim recommendations

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been developed jointly by the IFE Core Group, UNICEF, and the COVID-19 Infant Feeding Work...

Competency Framework for Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts

The framework reflects and promotes current and emerging best practice in nutrition in humanitarian contexts. The purpose of the compet...

Infant & Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Individual Capacity Assessment Tool

Assessment of available capacities to provide context-specific orientation/training on IYCF-E is one of the six practical steps set out...

Flyer on the Food and Nutrition webinar to be hosted by WHO AFRO on 14 May 2020

Flyer on the Food and Nutrition webinar to be hosted by WHO AFRO on 14 May 2020 (16h30 Nairobi, 15h30 in Johannesburg). It is open...

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