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New Evidence and Programatic Experience

Report of the meeting that the HIV consensus statement came out from, available online at:

Indicators: Indicators for assessing IYCF practices. Conclusions of a concensus meeting held 6-8 Nov 2007, Washington

This document presents 8 core and 7 optimal indicators for assessing feeding practices in children 0-<24 months of age. It includes ...

IFE and the International Code

Part of a presentation on the Code for the IFE Orientation and Training day, held on 11th July 2007, at Institute of Child Health, Lond...

Infant feeding in Emergency Situations. A report from the national convention of BPNI, 2005

India, on 9-10 Nov 2005 held by BPNI supported by govt of India & UNICEF. Pub'd 2006 BPNI = Breastfeeding Promotion Network of Ind...

SAM in children and infants debate

Objectives The objectives of the Consultation that took place in Geneva from 6 - 7 September 2004 were to: critically review new evid...

Infant formula: Enterobacter-sakazakli & other microorganisms contamination in infant formula

Executive summary: From 2004 meeting: Enterobacter sakazakii and other microorga...

Infant feeding in emergencies - lessons from IBFAN interventions in Africa

IFE working group at the 6th IBFAN Africa regional conference 2004. Information available as a word document online at: ibfan-africa.o...

Special issue on WHO Expert consultation on complementary feeding & 2001 meeting report

Special Issue Based on a World Health Organization Expert Consultation on Complementary Feeding. Food & Nutrition Bulletin. Vol 24....

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