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Rapid emergency food security

See questionnnaires in annexes and also available in this library separately at: Pakistan, earthquake, 2005: Rapid assessment. QUESTION...

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Infection Generic Training Package… Available in English, French, Spanish and Russian....

Nutrition and infant feeding in the PMTCT context in Rwanda

HIV research may be more up to date on looking at comp feeding in dfficult circumstances. This review has a section about complementary...

Maternal nutrition & Breastfeeding counselling cards

Maternal Nutrition & Breastfeeding Counseling Cards - with English translation. Not for emergencies but could be adapted. These co...

Linkages breastfeeding leaflets

Leaflets produced not for emergency situations but could be adapted or used in areas if an emergency. Facts for Feeding. Recommended P...

Keep Food and Water Safe after a Natural Disaster or Power Outage

Has some information on infant and young child feeding, given out following Hurricane Katrina, however this information should updated ...

IYCF guidelines during relief and aid operation in response to Pakistan Earth Quake

Letter by Director General, Ministry of Health to agencies and others acting after the emergency.

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