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Protéger les enfants et soutenir les mamans : l’alimentation des nourrissons et jeunes enfants en situation de crise

Quand survient une crise humanitaire, les pensées se tournent souvent vers les enfants, et particulièrement les bébés, qui sont touchés...

Protecting Babies and Supporting Mothers: Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies

When an emergency occurs, thoughts often turn to the children, and particularly the babies, who are affected. It is widely known that i...

Clinical management of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever: A pocket guide for front-line health workers

This pocket guide provides strong support for the practical application of key lifesaving interventions that are feasible in an ETU as ...

C-MAMI Tool, Version 2 (2018)

The C-MAMI Tool provides a health worker with a format to assess, identify/classify and manage at risk mothers and infants under six mo...

Breastfeeding in the context of Zika virus - Interim guidance, 25 February 2016

The main mode of Zika virus transmission is through infected Aedes mosquitoes. However, current widespread transmission of the virus ha...

Technical RRT Fact Sheet on IYCF evaluation

For French version click techrrt-principesdebaseevaluationanje For English version click techrrt-iycfassesmentfactsheet

Optimal breastfeeding practices and infant and child mortality

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Breastfeeding is one of the few interventions where the survival benefits span the entire contin...

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