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Cost Effectiveness of Community-Based Therapeutic care for Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition in Zambia: decision tree model

Reference: Cost effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 7:2 Abstract Background: Children aged under five years with severe acute ma...

CAPGAN conference abstracts (MAMI Project)

CAPGAN, Malawi, 2009 conference abstracts. MAMI Project abstract, p8.

Archives of Diseases in Childhood abstract - MAMI Project

ABSTRACTS: Archives of Disease in Childhood 2009;94(Supplement 1):A49-A51

An Overview of Humanitarian Accountability: Chapter in Human Accountability Report 2008

A chapter for THE 2008 HUMANITARIAN ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide an overview of the principal deve...

Acceptable medical reasons for use of breast-milk substitutes

A list of acceptable medical reasons for supplementation was originally developed by WHO and UNICEF as an annex to the Baby-friendly Ho...

Women starting to breastfeed due to emergency

Experiences from Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita that women breastfed (and continued to do so afterwards) following the emergency ...

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