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Nutrition and Mortality Survey Report - Shabwa Governorate, Yemen - 14 to 26 January 2017 [Final Report]

Introduction The name of Shabwa is referred to the name of the historic city of Shabwa, which was the capital of ancient Hadhramaut th...

Nutrition Survey of Sa’adah Governorate, May 2016 - Final Report

1. Executive Summary A SMART survey was conducted during May 24st to June 2nd, 2016in two zones namely Highlandand Lowland in Sa'adah G...

Sana’a Nutrition Sub- Cluster monthly meeting - Meeting Minutes, 18 May 2016

Agenda 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review of last meeting minutes and action points 3. Update from partners 4. Capacity assessment...

Nutrition Cluster Meeting Minutes 21 November 2016

Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Key operation issues 3. HNO and YHRP update 4. Rapid Response Team support(Assessment, IYCF-E, CMAM) 5. Acco...

Nutrition Cluster Meeting Minutes 3 October 2016

Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Review of last meeting minutes and action points 3. Key operation issues-partners update 4. Presentation on...

Nutrition Cluster Meeting Minutes - 29 Aug 2016

Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Review of last meeting minutes and action points 3. Presentation on the nutrition surveillance (WHO) 4. Huma...

Nutrition Cluster Meeting Minutes - 8 Aug 2016

Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Review of last meeting minutes and action points 3. Update on the CERF allocation and strategy of its implem...

Nutrition Cluster Meeting Minutes - 11 July 2016

Agenda  Introductions  Review of last meeting minutes and action points  International NGOs support for capacity building and monit...

Nutrition Cluster Meeting Minutes - June 14, 2016

Agenda  Introductions  Review of last meeting minutes and action points  Key operational updates from partners (main challenges in ...

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