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Tsunami survivors queueing for formula milk in Sri Lanka, News video

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Support for breastfeeding in crucial for infant health in the aftermath of natural disasters Issued after Hurricane Katrina - gives guidance.

Responses to the Tsunami disaster and infant feeding

Says why it is a problem and links to SCF statement and WHO statement Baby Milk Action also got same press release but with an added b...

Recommendations on infant feeding in emergencies

Joint policy on infant feeding from UNICEF, the WHO, and the Indonesian Society of Paediatricians (ISP) produced following the Tsunami....

Rapid emergency food security

See questionnnaires in annexes and also available in this library separately at: Pakistan, earthquake, 2005: Rapid assessment. QUESTION...

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Infection Generic Training Package… Available in English, French, Spanish and Russian....

Nutrition, A guide to data collection, analysis, interpretation and use

MANUAL aimed at mid-level managers in all sectors who would like to better understand nutrition information and its use. The MANUAL set...

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