
Four training sessions for Latin America and the Caribbean – May 2024

Training organisers:

  • From UNICEF LACRO: Yvette Fautsch (Nutrition Specialist), Debla Lopez (Gender Specialist), Maria Vianney Hidalgo (Jimenez
    Gender Specialist) and Anna Maria Speciale (Gender Specialist).

  • From Action Against Hunger UK: Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera (Head of Nutrition ACF-UK), Anne Berton (Nutrition specialist, consultant) and Sona Sharma (SBC Advisor fro GNC and ACF-US).

The Global Nutrition Cluster, Action Against Hunger UK and the UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean conducted a four-session virtual training to support capacity strengthening of UNICEF staff, especially Nutrition Sector Coordinators, and emergency specialists on Gender and Nutrition in humanitarian contexts, including migration

The objective of the training was to equip participants with tools and approaches to integrate a Gender perspective into Nutrition in humanitarian action strategies and programmes.

The training was delivered across four sessions covering the below thematic areas. Recordings for these sessions are available at the bottom of the page, along with the slides, and other resources (recordings for sessions 2-4 in Spanish will be uploaded soon).

Gender in Nutrition - 4 sessions


Some take-home messages

• Nutrition, gender and GBV are interlinked
• Women, girls, boys and men face distinct nutritional risks and vulnerabilities in humanitarian crises and have distinct
opportunities to support the nutritional needs of their families and communities.
• Nutrition programs should use gender and GBV lens throughout the project cycle
• This is our collective responsibility for addressing gender equity & GBV

Have questions? Email us at: gnc@unicef.org


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