
GNC Webinar on the 2024 HRP process - EN, FR, SP

Recordings and ppts of this HRP 2024 webinar are available in this page in English, French and Spanish

HRP 2024 orientation webinar agenda

  • Introduction and overview                                                                    
  • Define the scope of the HRP and formulate initial objectives       
    • Determine the scope of the HRP
    • Draft preliminary strategic objectives.
    • Identify initial specific objectives based on draft strategic objectives
  • Conduct Response Analysis                                                                      
    • Review the appropriateness, relevance and feasibility of interventions
    • Articulate intersectoral and multi-sectoral response approaches
    • Estimate the number of people to be targeted
  • Sectoral response plan                                                                      
    • Formulate objectives                                                                
    • Formulate projects/activities                                                    
    • Estimate the number of people to be targeted                          
    • Estimate cost of the response
  • Key considerations:​ GBV, gender, disability, AAP, & ICSC         ​
  • Wrap Up And GNC Support

 Thank you,

Faith, Rachel, Geraldine, Anteneh and Shabib


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