

Sep 07

•How can we achieve the commitment? -Cross-cutting issues integration into HNO -Cross-cutting issues integration into HRP -Cross-cutting issues integration into Resource Mobilisation 

Agenda for the webinar includes : Briefing on the 2021 HPC process – OCHA Geneva Nutrition Humanitarian Needs Overview process -GNC-CT Mainstreaming cross-cutting issues in needs analysis – UNICEF  EMOPS GBV ,disability and inclusion advisors GNC-CT support to countries on HNO exercise -GNC-CT

Date: 18 August 2020 | Time: 14:00-16:00 (CET) In light of Grand Bargain cash commitments, the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) initiated in 2019 work to build the evidence base and guidance on the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for nutrition outcomes in emergencies. This work resulted in the Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of CVA for Nutrition…

Tech RRT and partners invite you to a webinar on the newest Wasting Brief and COVID-19. UNICEF and WHO have released guidance on Prevention and Treatment of Wasting in Children 0-59 Months through National Health Systems in the Context of COVID-19.  Invite your French, Spanish and Arabic Speaking Colleagues, as French, Spanish and Arabic simultaneous …

Action Against Hunger-USA, with UNICEF and the US Centers for Disease Control, is conducting a new project in which organizations around the world are coming together to systematically document, analyze and synthesize information related to adaptations (such as reduced dosage, iCCM+Nut, Family MUAC, etc.) made to outpatient…

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