

The GNC supports countries, UNICEF as the Nutrition Cluster Lead Agency, and nutrition partners at subnational, national, regional, and global levels to ensure they are adequately staffed and skilled to prepare for, respond to, and recover from, situations of fragility (GNC Strategy – Strategic objective 1). This ambition, with agreement from partners, led to the…

"Where does the cluster system really add value in a changing humanitarian landscape? Reflections from the field"7 May 2024, 14:00-15:30 (UTC+2) (face-to-face session delivered in English, with online connection)Click here to register for the online eventThe humanitarian system is ever more stretched, with the highest number of conflicts since World War II, prolonged…

Dear Colleagues, I hope this message finds you well. As you all know, having data from the most up-to-date and methodologically robust gold standard sources can often be a significant challenge for conducting nutrition sector needs analysis. Coordination teams frequently ask, "How can we effectively conduct nutrition needs analysis under these constraints…

Photo: ©UNICEF México / Javier Otaloa

"GENDER IN NUTRITION IN HUMANITARIAN CONTEXTS, INCLUDING MIGRATION"Four training sessions for Latin America and the Caribbean – May 2024Training organisers:From UNICEF LACRO: Yvette Fautsch (Nutrition Specialist), Debla Lopez (Gender Specialist), Maria Vianney Hidalgo (JimenezGender Specialist) and Anna Maria Speciale (Gender Specialist).From Action Against Hunger UK…

Session abstractEffective co-coordination within humanitarian coordination is key in fulfilling the localisation agenda, and in contributing to ensuring that aid is efficient, effective, and accountable for affected communities – in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. Under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Transformative Agenda, Cluster Lead Agencies are…


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