
UNICEF and OCHA have partnered with the DFID Single Business Case Disability Inclusion Task Team to develop a training to provide insight on actionable approaches to ensuring disability inclusion in the 2021 Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) to further build on progress made for the 2020 HPC. 

This will be an inter-agency training, meaning that both facilitators and participants will come from a cross-section of humanitarian organizations. 

The training will focus on the following objectives:

  • Familiarization with existing resources and guidance
  • Share insights about good practices and evidence from the 2020 disability inclusion within HNOs/HRPs review, quality evaluation, and the lessons learned.
  • Focus on action-oriented practical advice on significant topics that have emerged after the 2020 HPC, including the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Address recurrent questions on data quality and ‘how’ to collect or ‘where’ to find data on persons with disabilities, how to take disability concerns into consideration within the joint inter-sectoral analysis, and how to effectively integrate into planning using a ‘two-track’ approach.

Module 1 Materials




Power Point

See attached


Option 1 session JULY 21, 2020 HERE

Option 2 session JULY 22, 2020 HERE


Live Transcription/CART

Option 1 session JULY 21, 2020 HERE

Option 2 session JULY 22, 2020 HERE




Module 2 Materials



Power Point

See attached


Option 1 Session:  17 SEPTEMBER HERE

Option 2 Session: 22 SEPTEMBER HERE

Option 3 Session:  24 SEPTEMBER  HERE



All sessions see attached 




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