
Guidance on strengthening disability inclusion in Humanitarian Response Plans

This guidance provides support to seven UN entities1 on how to strengthen inclusion of disability in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) as part of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) Humanitarian Investment Program.2 The aim of this work is to make humanitarian programming more responsive to the needs of people with disabilities affected by crisis.

Humanitarian Response Plans are the product of a strategic planning process that is informed by humanitarian needs assessment activities. Therefore, this guidance focuses primarily on the steps in the humanitarian program cycle (HPC) leading to the HRP, including the process of developing the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). This guidance has been aligned to the 2019 revision of this process.

It is recognized that more substantive work on the inclusion of persons with disabilities will need to continue concurrently to this initiative, including in relation to how disability-inclusive projects are designed, how they can be monitored, and what disability-inclusive humanitarian evaluation would involve, recognizing that all this requires a wider capacity building effort focused on disability inclusion throughout the HPC.


Module 1 Materials




Power Point

See attached


Option 1 session JULY 21, 2020 HERE

Option 2 session JULY 22, 2020 HERE


Live Transcription/CART

Option 1 session JULY 21, 2020 HERE

Option 2 session JULY 22, 2020 HERE




Module 2 Materials



Power Point

See attached


Option 1 Session:  17 SEPTEMBER HERE

Option 2 Session: 22 SEPTEMBER HERE

Option 3 Session:  24 SEPTEMBER  HERE



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