Report on Training of Trainers on basic skills for Inpatient Management of SAM

Report on Training of Trainers on basic skills for Inpatient Management of SAM

The TOT training on basic training skills for inpatient management of severe acute malnutrition was organized and coordinated by the International Medical Corps- Somalia Mission in collaboration with the Somali Nutrition Cluster. The training was technically supported by the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNCTST) and funded in partnership with Canada. Facilitation of the session was by the GNC-TA TST CMAM advisor with support from the International Medical Corps Nutrition Manager. The 7-day training course was attended by 23 staff (21 Male and 2 Female). Participants who attended TOT training were 6 from FMOH staff, 3 Galmudug MOH staff, 3 Nutrition cluster staff, 1 WHO staff, and 10 International 
Medical Corps staff.


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