
Nutrition Humanitarian Needs Analysis Guidance - ENG/FR/ES

Aimed at NCCs, IMOs and AWG Chairs, GNC-CT prepared this iterative guidance to outline the steps for conducting a Nutrition Situation Analysis, identifying information for the Humanitarian Needs Overview, which feeds into response plans and updates, whether IASC Cluster system has been activated or not. This includes the development and implementation of an annual nutrition assessment plan and a nutrition situation analysis (or align it with IPC’s Acute Malnutrition results) along with major contributing factors, and calculation of the number of People in Need and other key figures.

A number of minor revisions have been incorporated following its piloting in 2020, including:

  • Further inclusion of cross-cutting issues - disability and GBV;
  • Clarity on how to decide between scenarios for countries that hover around 5%;
  • Difference between the use of recent data vs. outdated data for a Nutrition Situaiton Analysis;
  • Integration of an 11th optional indicator for Scenario 3;
  • Added a new sheet with PiN (People in Need) Total to facilitate HRP and inter-sectoral analysis inputs, along with disability-disaggregated PiN.






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