
Nutrition in emergencies case studies from the Philippines, Yemen, Ukraine, Somalia, Bangladesh, and South Sudan

Dear Colleagues: We are pleased to share with you the attached six case studies that were developed by the cluster coordination teams in collaboration with our global partner ENN under the Pillar IV of the 2014-2016 GNC Strategic Plan – Knowledge and Information management (KM/IM). These cases studies from

highlight experiences and learning around nutrition coordination and Nutrition in Emergency responses within the cluster settings with an aim to develop a more systematic approach to knowledge management to complement other IM/KM activities being implemented by the GNC Coordination Team (GNC-CT) and other cluster partners. The selection of the thematic areas was done through an online survey and the country teams identified the topic to which they can contribute.  The themes addressed in the case studies include:

  • governance,
  • partnership,
  • preparedness,
  • capacity development, and
  • nutrition information systems.

We trust that these examples and the lessons learned could be used by the cluster teams and partners to strengthen the coordination of NiE responses. Please share these case studies with your partners. We will also post them on our website. The summaries will be soon published in the ENN online Field Exchange. I would like to thank all country cluster teams and our partner ENN for their hard work and dedication while working on this project. Should you have any questions, please contact the GNC Coordination Team at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Ayadil


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