
Nutrition Cluster Bulletin Vol 2 (April-May)

Overall, 3,103 children 6-59 months with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) were admitted in April. This reached a cumulative total of 13,825 children (22.3% of the 62,067 annual target) since January.  Furthermore, there has been a 16% increase in the number of MAM admissions among the 13 flood affected districts from January to April (an increase from 1,772 to 2,065).  

278,747 primary caregivers of children 0-23 months have been reached with infant and young child feeding counselling.  Through the Back-to-School campaign, 36,791 adolescent girls 10-19 years old received iron folic acid (IFA) supplements in the affected areas from March to May. 


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