Nigeria North-East: Yobe State Humanitarian Situation Analysis

Nigeria North-East: Yobe State Humanitarian Situation Analysis

CONFLICT DYNAMICS Conflict continued in Yobe State, including NSAG attacks and clashes with government forces along the LGAs of Geidam and Gujba, bordering Borno State. The security situation in these LGAs remains unpredictable and volatile. Government forces continue to carry out operations and maintain a high level of alertness following NSAG activities across border LGAs. There is a significant increase in the threats of attacks on both civilian and military convoys,  abduction/kidnapping (at illegal vehicle checkpoints), and IEDs along these routes.  UXOs also pose a threat, with incidents reported in June in Gujba LGA, with the police issuing warning of widespread threats across the LGAs, particularly across farming areas. NSAG attacks were targeting civilian communities across Bursari, Geidam, Gujba LGAs, and abductions in Lantewa, Tarmuwa LGA along the Damaturu – Babangida road. An attack in Buni Gari (27/04/2020), Gujba LGA, resulted in the burning down of activity centers of some humanitarian actors in the community, which triggered a temporary suspension of operations. A similar attack was recorded in Dapchi, Bursari LGA (18/05/2020), where NSAG operatives burned down houses and public buildings, and also looted medical supplies from the health facility. Aid operations in Geidam LGA (19/05/2020) also recorded some disruptions following a spike in NSAG attacks and clashes.  


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