Nigeria: 2021 Needs and Response Monitoring Plan

Nigeria: 2021 Needs and Response Monitoring Plan

INTRODUCTION The Transformative Agenda has affirmed that coordination and leadership in the humanitarian system are essential to ensure that populations affected by conflict or disasters are provided with timely, needs-based, life-saving assistance. Strengthening coordination and leadership calls for commitment through all steps of the humanitarian programme cycle (HPC) to assess the situation jointly; elaborate operational plans to cover prioritised humanitarian needs; mobilise and allocate resources in line with the priorities; monitor progress; evaluate whether it has the expected, sufficient effect for the diverse, affected populations; adjust the strategy and plans accordingly; and document how this is being done to support accountability and transparency. Monitoring of humanitarian aid delivered to affected populations has existed for some time. Humanitarian actors, when implementing projects, establish systems and procedures that measure what is implemented and delivered, the results achieved and the quality. However, monitoring the collective results of a large-scale, multiagency intervention is less standardised. In the past years, efforts to address response monitoring at this larger scale have gained momentum and several initiatives have been undertaken. The current monitoring plan results from that, setting basic principles for monitoring humanitarian crises' collective response.


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