
Management of Acute Malnutrition Technical Working Group (Wasting management TWG)

Children in the State of Palestine are facing a humanitarian catastrophe. The nutrition situation is dire, as infants, young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women face extreme shock, stress and deteriorating access to food, essential life-saving services and positive feeding practices. Malnutrition is projected to soar in the State of Palestine in the fallout of the current crisis, Maternal and child malnutrition were already pressing concerns before the current conflict, with more than 24,900 children in Gaza and the West Bank affected by wasting – the most life-threatening form of malnutrition. Now, child wasting is projected to increase by 27 per cent in Gaza and by 15 per cent in the West Bank – meaning that nearly 30,000 children across the State of Palestine are at risk of suffering from wasting and 15,000 of these children are projected to face severe wasting, putting them at imminent risk of death...


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