
CCPM Guidance resourses

Monitoring coordination performance at the national and sub-national level in both sudden onset and protracted crises is necessary to ensure that clusters are efficient and effective coordination mechanisms, fulfilling the core cluster functions, meeting the needs of constituent members, and supporting delivery to affected people. It is also necessary for accountability purposes to demonstrate the added value and justify the cost of coordination. Two tools to monitor coordination performance are elaborated in this introductory note: (1) the Cluster Activation Checklist and (2) the Coordination Performance Monitoring Report. Both have been developed based on the IASC guidance to level 3 emergencies, the commitments to the principles of accountability to affected populations and the six core functions of country clusters. The two tools allow to:

  • Identify the level of performance of the Nutrition Cluster's core functions
  • Identify actions for improvement or requests for support
  • Monitor progress over time

The Cluster Activation Checklist is a simple tool designed to monitor progress of cluster activation and implementation of its core functions and capacities after the declaration of a level 3 emergency, in line with commitments and the level 3 emergency response timeline agreed under the Transformative Agenda. The checklist can also be used in all other contexts where clusters are activated.  Updated checklists should be produced by each cluster coordinator at periods of two weeks, one month and two months after the declaration of a level 3 emergency or in other contexts after the activation of clusters. The Coordination Performance Monitoring Report is used in all humanitarian responses with activated clusters when there is more time available for a more in-depth assessment of the quality of the cluster’s coordination functions and production of key deliverables. The tool is designed as a self-assessment process, based on a participative approach and a mix of demonstrating evidence of the outputs and deliverables, and feedback from partners on their involvement in, contribution to, and use of these deliverables. If clusters are activated, it is completed three months after the onset of an emergency and every six months thereafter. In protracted crises, it can be used at the earliest convenient moment, and then updated every six months. The outcome of the performance monitoring should be shared with the cluster lead agencies, national authorities, the Humanitarian Coordinator and global clusters, as appropriate. The resources include:

 Cluster performance activation:

For nutrition cluster coordinators, please send email to GNC coordinator jippe@unicef.org with a copy to gawood@unicef.org in order to request the activation of the cluster performance monitoring survey. Please in the email specify email address of the Cluster Coordinator, number of sub-national clusters that will undergo separate surveys in addition to nutrition surveys, start and end dates of the online survey (recommended duration is two weeks).

CCPM Guidance resourses


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