58 Nutrition Cluster Meeting minutes (final), Bangladesh 05 Oct 2021

58 Nutrition Cluster Meeting minutes (final), Bangladesh 05 Oct 2021

Bangladesh Nutrition Cluster Monthly Meeting minutes # 58, 05 October 2021 Welcome and introduction and review of last meeting action points: Dr. S M Mustafizur Rahman, Line Director, NNS, IPHN, chaired the meeting and welcomed everyone in the meeting. The meeting started with a round of introduction. In the inauguration speech, the Line Director highlighted the following areas: Very briefly remembered the achievements of the last few nutrition cluster coordination meetings The key activities done by the nutrition cluster in emergencies like flood response, COVID19 response Assessment (after disaster) for identifying nutritional status of the target groups e.g. rapid nutrition assessment through MUAC, micronutrient deficiency assessment Reduce IYCF malpractices, improve mental/ psychological health Cash & food packages under the MOHFW Report to prevent/ reduce BMS code violation Coordination with other stakeholders/clusters for ensuring support from other ministries Line Director-NNS said, we do not provide any food but medicine (e.g. micronutrients supplementation) Specific Guideline for Feeding <5 children during emergencies are needed. BNNC, NNS and development partners have developed a child food ration during emergency. However, PM and DPM of IYCF stated that the food ration for children are general and required to be specific for age wise. Therefore, it is discussed and agreed that Guideline on age specific food for children instead of under-five is needed e.g. 0 to <6 months – only breastfeeding 6 to 23 months – breastfeeding plus complementary feeding 24 to 59 months - Family Food Review the last meeting minutes: After discussion of the previous meeting’s action points, the meeting minutes of the 29th April 2021 was approved by all members. Share the last quarter (Q4) draft workplan of nutrition cluster Asfia Azim from UNICEF shared the work plan for nutrition cluster. Focus of this year work-plan are: Conduct regular cluster coordination meeting   Conduct Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) Draft Nutrition Cluster work plan for 2022 and finalize the draft by December 2021 Work with Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) Work with GNC (Global Nutrition cluster) on emergency preparedness   Conduction of CCPM workshop Nutrition Cluster should arrange CCPM meeting. The Line Director requested to arrange this meeting by any means (either online or physical) but not combination of both. Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) waiting for the updated CCPM report from Bangladesh as they are not receiving any update from Bangladesh after 2017. Update of SAM supplies Dr. Alamgir Murshidi from NNS updated on SAM supplies: NNS received 300 Cartons of F-75 from UNICEF. 240 Cartons of F-75 has been in process for distribution through CMSD. Only 60 cartons of F-75 are available at CMSD for emergency distribution purpose Khulna, Barishal, Sylhet, Dhaka, Rajshahi and Chittagong divisions have received the therapeutic food. Rest divisions will receive by the end of 1st week of October 2021. Present stock is not enough to meet the demand up to March-April next year (2022). F-75 and F-100 Procurement is ongoing through NNS. The product will available approximately March-April 2022. Update on HCTT Nexus Strategy 2021-2025 HCTT meeting conducted on 22nd of August 2021 Secretary MoDMR, Md. Mohsin and the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Ms Mia Seppo, co-chaired the meeting The objective of the session was to provide a briefing on the HCTT Nexus Strategy 2021-25. The ultimate objective is to formally agree on the nexus strategy 2021-2025 and expect support from stakeholders and development partners. Three major areas for nutrition clusters are (These are the selected activities which are agreed by cluster members and shared with NCTT Nexus strategy. These three broad areas are the matrix for HCTT): Risk and Impact analysis. (Nutrition surveillance, DHIS-2, SAM assessment) Priority Preparedness actions (Strengthen engagement with local governments/NGO partners) Partnership in institutional capacity Strengthen collaboration structures at different levels. (MOHFW, MOLG, MODMR) AOB Capacity Mapping: Nutrition in Emergency Partnership with Earthquake response As per the TOR of nutrition cluster, the meeting is supposed to be held bi-monthly during normal time. If there is any emergency or based on need, the meeting can be arranged monthly, bimonthly, even weekly TOR can be revised to include other partners like WASH, Health. To increase collaboration with other sectors, Nutrition sector/IPHN/NNS can also attend in other cluster meetings (WASH, Food Security or Health) Dr Sadi, Nutrition Specialist, UNICEF, suggested a few points for partner mapping like: What are parameters of mapping we need to decide first. Need to identify the types of interventions/emergency response by partners What is their capacity, where they are working? Identify capacity gaps through mapping and take measures to mitigate TOR need to be reviewed and revised, if necessary. HCTT Nexus strategy needs to be discussed in detail among partners (including PM, DPMs) for better understanding and it can be one action point. By thanking everyone, NC CC has concluded the meeting


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