
IASC has activated "light" and "adapted" System-Wide Scale-Up protocols (former Level 3 activation) with a specific focus on all Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) countries with the option to extend to additional countries by decision of IASC in consultation with the relevant RCs for the initial duration of six months.

  • COVID-19 response actions are integrated into existing IASC and refugee response architecture and mechanisms and accountabilities, avoiding parallel coordination structures. 
  • Standard Cluster activation procedures apply on a country-by-country and as-needed basis using IASC criteria for activation, endorsement by HCT and IASC Principals.
  • Where IASC Clusters are not activated, other existing sectoral coordination mechanisms are reinforced by in-country and Cluster Lead Agencies and Global Clusters as appropriate. 
  • Establishment of sub-national hubs/coordination mechanisms as required, with sufficient logistics and communications capacity to reach affected people; Mechanisms should include opportunity for NGOs/civil society (national and international) involvement. 


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