
The Tech RRT, World Vision, the Emergency Nutrition Network, UNICEF in collaboration with the Global Technical Assistance Mechanisms for Nutrition invite you to the webinar “Child wasting programming in response and preparation to the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences from the field” on

Thursday 9th April at 2-3.30pm (Geneva time).

Please register here, for immediate details on how to join.

Webinar objective: The webinar will communicate details of the recently published brief Management of Child Wasting in the Context of COVID-19, followed by case studies from Bangladesh (World Vision), Kenya (Save the Children) and Ethiopia (Goal) illustrating some challenges faced and adjustments put in place in child wasting programming in preparation for/response to COVID-19. Almost half of the webinar will be a dedicate time for practitioners to ask questions on putting recommendations of the brief into practice.


Webinar outline:

  • Introduction and welcome
  • Overview of Management of Child Wasting in the Context of COVID-19 (UNICEF)
  • Bangladesh case study (World Vision)
  • Kenya case study (Save the Children)
  • Ethiopia case study (Goal)
  • Discussion

Please contact the Tech RRT on ballen@internationalmedicalcorps.org if you have any questions.


All welcome.




Find the webinar recording


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