
GNC is organizing a webinars on submit 2019 Annual report in new GNC Website. The objectives of the webinars include:


  • Access and login your county page in new GNC websites
  • How to update country key contacts
  • Add Key Content (News and events) to you page and GNC general (News and events)
  • Update annual report 2019 figures to be from January to December 2019 .
    • Key Figures In 2019
    • Situation Report
    • Achievement per activities
    • Partners and project figures
  • Link your humanitarian response websites to GNC website to add countries resources such as
    • HNO/HRP
    • CCPM
    • Guidelines
    • Others


We will ensure to include all countries data from 2019 Global Nutrition Cluster Midyear report to your page in new GNC website .It will be will be similar to mid year report, so all that will be needs is an update on the figure and the situation.


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