
BMS Code violations tracking tool (nutrition cluster)

The tool consists of two parts (in WinZip archive):

  • MS Word form for tracking of violation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (to be adapted in country as needed and shared in the pdf format with partners. In addition you may wish to develop an online form (such as through surveymonkey.com) to facilitate reporting of the Code violations. Note: It is recommended first to agree the process with the Ministry of Health in country and nutrition cluster partners.
  • MS Excel database, which is an internal document for the Nutrition Cluster (and designated BMS violation tracking lead agency) to compile code violations for further consolidation, analysis and  follow up. It should not be shared widely as it contains sensitive information, such as who reported the Code violation.

The tool was developed by the Global Nutrition Cluster with support from IBFAN, IFE Core group and UNICEF


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