
This document provides helpful tips on disability inclusion in the nutrition chapters of Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs). It is essential to go beyond general statements on targeting of persons with disabilities and inclusive programming, to describe concrete activities to address risk factors identified in the HNO. Examples of activities may include outreach to persons with disabilities who may have difficulty reaching services, provision of assistive technology such as feeding aids, training on inclusion for nutrition partners, and actions to improve physical accessibility of facilities as well as accessibility of nutrition-related information.

Risk analysis should consider both children and caregivers with disabilities and go beyond simply listing persons with disabilities as one of a number of vulnerable groups. An analysis that identifies the specific factors contributing to malnutrition for persons with disabilities, including barriers to accessing services, will provide a stronger basis for planning a response that directly addresses these risk factors.

Specific recommendations on how to design an inclusive response, participation, feedback mechanisms, and monitoring are provided, along with a list of additional resources.

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