
The GNC Technical Alliance is pleased to invite you to another Webinar in the Series

“Costing Child Wasting Treatment”

Introduction to cost analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis for CMAM

Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 15:00-16:30 (GMT+1/CET/Geneva Time) 

 Please see the recording

In English here!   

In French here!   

In Spanish here!   

In Arabic here!   

In Somali here!   

 In this webinar, you'll hear basic instruction on costing and cost-effectiveness analysis for interventions to treat child wasting. We will discuss the process and considerations for compiling cost data, calculating cost-effectiveness ratios, estimating DALYs and dealing with uncertainty in costs and cost-effectiveness results.

This webinar is organized in collaboration with Brixton Health and Stony Brook University.

There will also be a time for Q&A.

 The webinar will be in English with simultaneous translation into French, Spanish and Arabic. There will also possibly be translation into Swahili and Somali.

 Have questions? Email us at: E.Keane@savethechildren.org.uk  

 We look forward to seeing you then!   

Photo Credit: UNICEF, Ethiopia 2021 



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