
On 14th July 2021, the GNC Technical Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST) organized the webinar "A Nutrition and Food Security Assessment in Turkey: Adding Value with Remote Technical Support".

This webinar aimed to present the results of the Food Security and Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) survey and to showcase how remote technical support, from the TST, improved the quality of the exercise. 

In February of this year, the TST Assessment Advisor provided remote support to Welt Hunger Hilfe (WHH) Turkey to implement a survey that included both Food Security and IYCF indicators. It involved support to survey planning, in the development of data collection tools, in monitoring data during data collection, and with data analysis. 


The TST regularly conducts webinars after support is provided so the lessons learned from one support activity can be shared with other nutrition practitioners. However, this webinar was different to others. It would be female-led and with all-female speakers and be the first that allowed presenters to present in their preferred language, with interpretation. Therefore, the Turkish presenters were accompanied by English interpreters and vice versa. All slides presented the information in both Turkish and English allowing participants to engage with their preferred language.

There were 39 attendees, including 21 from Turkey. 21 attendees were female and 17 male, 1 attendee preferred not to say. 23 attendees were from a local organization. The slides and webinar recording are available here.

We are thankful to WHH for the great success of this event. We hope to have many webinars in the future where the local language takes the lead.


Photo Credit: Grossmann / Welthungerhilfe


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