
The UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance are pleased to launch the Webinar Series: Nutrition in Emergencies in the context of COVID-19 and migration.

The objective of this webinar series is to strengthen the technical nutrition capacities of organizations involved in emergency responses in Latin America and the Caribbean with a particular focus on the programmatic adaptations to COVID-19 and migration.

We will share key guidance and practical information to support your nutrition activities. The content and agenda will be based on the specific needs of country partners, so please indicate your training needs when registering.

There will also be time to ask questions in relation to your specific programmes.


      grabación en español Diapositivas en español Recording English Slides English
Webinar 1 10th March Prevention of malnutrition in pregnant and breastfeeding women  aqui aqui here here
Webinar 2 17th March Prevention of malnutrition in children under five - infant and young aqui aqui here here
Webinar 3      24th March Nutrition care for children under five with acute malnutrition aqui aqui here here

Who can participate? Any organization involved in emergency nutrition response in Latin America and the Caribbean is invited to participate: NGOs, UN agencies and/or government institutions. You can participate independent of your professional background.  Participation is free of charge. Certificates will be extended to those who participated in all three webinars.




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