
For the first time, AidEx will be held at Palexpo, Geneva – in prior years, the conference was in Brussels. This unique Global Humanitarian Aid event brings together thousands from the humanitarian, development and private sectors. This event will feature high-level conference sessions, workshops, discussion groups, impact sessions, case studies, relief and international development, and training programmes geared to solve the challenges in aid. 

The main agenda theme of this year’s AidEx is ‘Addressing the forgotten crises – how can we manage and anticipate crises when so much of our focus is on Ukraine?' The conference will shine a light on other crises that are obscured by the war in Europe and explore creative solutions to turn the tide on the crises that are not getting the attention they deserve.

GNC involvement

We will be involved in several capacities during the event:

  1. UNICEF exhibition: a space showcasing UNICEF’s emergency work and in addition, UNICEF will also showcase its role as Cluster Lead Agency, thus positioning its work in coordinating humanitarian assistance, as well as the collaborations with UNHCR, IOM and IFRC.
  2. Cluster Corner exhibition: a dedicated space for all global clusters to exhibit their role and initiatives at global and country levels as well as showcase inter-cluster/sector collaboration. This space is centered on four thematic areas: Clusters in Action, The Crises, Humans of the Field, and Voices of Affected Populations. 
  3. GWC Side Event: a Global WASH Cluster side event that will provide the opportunity to explore key initiatives within and beyond the sector, such as inter-cluster collaboration and private sector engagement. Specifically, regarding the outcomes from an ICSC approach in South Sudan. For details, please click here.
  4. SAG+ face to face: this invite only event will be held on 25 October for GNC SAG, the Leadership Team, Operations core team, Rapid Response Team and all colleagues chairing working groups. Specific sessions will invite attendance from other colleagues, specifically, subject matter expert. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the GNC Technical Alliance redesign, key topics such as localisation, and to review progress against the GNC 2022-2025 strategy.

For more information about event and to register (for free), please visit the AidEx website.


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