Training report for  local and organisation on Inpatient Management of SAM with medical complications in Stabilization Centre's

Training report for local and organisation on Inpatient Management of SAM with medical complications in Stabilization Centre's

To mitigate the effects of increased deaths, the Nutrition Cluster through the Global Nutrition Cluster and International Medical Corps Somalia sought technical support to build the capacity of health workers (from local/National NGOs and the Ministry of Health (MoH)) in the management of SCs and delivery of inpatient care for acutely malnourished children. National NGOs were prioritized, as often they are present in hard-to-reach areas with poor program coverage. International Medical Corps Somalia delivered the training with the technical support of the GNC Technical Alliance-TST (CMAM Advisor). The training was delivered in Somali to ensure the technical and contextual content was well captured and comprehended.


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