Training report for local and national organisation on Inpatient Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition with medical complications- Somalia

Training report for local and national organisation on Inpatient Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition with medical complications- Somalia

The training was organized and coordinated by International Medical Corps- Somalia Mission in collaboration with the Somali Nutrition Cluster. This was 7 days of training using materials and tools based on the WHO’s hospital-based care of severely malnourished children clinical training and was adapted to the context. The training was technically supported by the GNCTA-TST and funded by BHA and Irish AID. The training was facilitated by 3 (1 female) Federal Ministry of Health staff and 1 Galmudug state MoH staff and supported by 6 International  Medial Corps technical staff. All were backstopped by the GNC-TA-TST CMAM Advisor.  The Objective was to Provide knowledge as part of strengthening staff’s competencies to treat severe acute  malnutrition in stabilization centers


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