
The GNC facilitated two virtual Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) events in July and August 2022. The event was for selected personnel engaged in Nutrition Cluster Coordination who play or will play an active role in fostering and facilitating a nutrition-specific ERP planning process in country; who are or will be involved in the development of contingency plans; and staff who may be double hatting for coordination roles at times of emergencies. The participants included personnel from Government institutions, UN agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – based at both national or sub-national level.

Overall, these two global events reached 53 personnel from 35 countries who were already aware of the importance of the ERP approach, but needed to be familiarized with the recently developed ERP toolkit and coached on the use of these tools to drive their nutrition emergency preparedness forward.

The recordings of the ERP workshop that took place in August are available on the GNC YouTube channel.

More global ERP workshops will be organized in the future, stay tuned!


GNC global ERP workshop recordings


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