
The Global Cluster Coordination Group (GCCG) has put together Basic Information Package for COVID-19. The package aims to support response actors in a range of settings with essential resources and best practice on coordinating a response to COVID-19 and contains the following:

  • Doc 1 - An Introduction Document: containing a short note on the Global Cluster Coordination Group and links to essential reference documents on coordination best practice, multisectoral approaches in health emergencies, Emergency Response Preparedness guidance, and Principles of Partnership to strengthen engagement with NGOs, etc.
  • Doc 2 - Key Messages on coordination on the COVID-19 response developed by the Global Cluster Coordination Group for use in countries without a formal humanitarian response system.
  • Doc 3 - Contact details for all Global Cluster Coordinators and links to sector-specific resources to support COVID19 response.
  • Doc 4 - An inter-cluster/inter-sector matrix for the COVID-19 response. This is a tool designed to support sector focal points identify initial priorities within their sector as well as some key areas of engagement and collaboration with other sectors.

We hope the package is useful to you and to your partners. Please don’t hesitate to contact the GNC Coordination Team for any further details or questions, or to offer feedback on the Basic Information Package.


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