
1. Please find below the link, complementary information and flier on the Food and Nutrition webinar to be hosted by WHO AFRO on 14 May 2020 (16h30 Nairobi, 15h30 in Johannesburg). It is open to all interested parties in government, partner agencies and academia, and will be conducted in English, French and Portuguese.

The link to register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7wkVum4mRs-jGhe_zmj5fA

Participants are invited to send questions in advance, especially concerning the operationalization of guidance on infant and young child feeding in COVID-19. Please direct questions to:

Fanuel Odhiambo (odhiambof@who.int) – English;

Antoinette Valian (tougoumav@who.int) – French;

Lusubilo Mwamakamba (mwamakambal@who.int) – Portuguese.

2. The WHO Academy app to support health workers to easily access all the WHO COVID-19 guidance, tools and learning is now available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish

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