
We've just updated and uploaded the following tools and resources to make Nutrition Cluster Coordinators' life easier:

- Co-chair scoring matrix: to help you select the best co-chair agency by using a number of objective criteria.

- Generic TOR for the Nutrition Cluster: for new NC or those considering an update to their TOR this template can be of help.

- Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) generic TOR: a template to help you setting up a strategic advisory group in your Country.

- Generic Sub-national Cluster Coordinator TOR:  this template can be adapted for dedicated or double-hatting Cluster Coordinators at local level.

- NC Coordinator Handover Report template: this template will help you organising all the information you need to transfer at the end of your mandate. 

- NC Workplan Template: an easy spreadsheet tool to prepare your annual workplan.

These are part of a larger number of resources available through the Coordination Toolkit page of our website.





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