
As we approach a new year, we look forward to some key and exciting changes for the GNC Technical Alliance in 2024.

Since 2017, the Global Nutrition Cluster has offered two critical arms of support for global nutrition actors – coordination and information management from the GNC Coordination Team and technical nutrition support, guidance, and resources from the GNC Technical Alliance.

While there is significant overlap in how these two support arms deliver support to nutrition actors at all levels, both arms have maintained separate identities, websites, and social media channels. We’ve found that this decision has resulted in confusion about the perceived purposes and functions of the two arms and their relationship to one another.  

Looking to 2024, the Global Nutrition Cluster and the GNC Technical Alliance have jointly decided to bring the two arms of support together into one unified, global identity to create one holistic support platform. We believe this will help us to communicate our support and services more clearly to nutrition actors and improve your experience with us.

We also believe moving towards one platform will foster more synergy internally between our two arms of support, which already overlap significantly. With one shared vision and purpose – to provide timely and comprehensive nutrition coordination, information management, and Nutrition in Emergencies technical support – we believe we can utilize our collective resources more efficiently and ultimately serve nutrition actors, like you, better.     

>> If you missed our December 6 webinar led by the GNC Technical Alliance’s UNICEF co-lead Megan Gayford about this exciting change, you can view the recordings and presentation here

>> You can also check our article Why is the GNC Technical Alliance changing? All your questions answered.

What does this mean for you?

Moving forward, this unity will be reflected through one shared website and logo – The Global Nutrition Cluster.

The GNC Technical Alliance will still provide all the same services through the Global Nutrition Cluster platform – including technical nutrition support via the Helpdesk, in-country and remote support, and producing technical guidance and resources.

For you, the difference will be that instead of accessing support via our current website and social media channels, you can go directly to the Global Nutrition Cluster website and social media for all your technical support needs and requests.

Global Nutrition Cluster website

The GNC Technical Alliance website will be phased on by March 2024 and the logo will retire. All GNC Technical Alliance social media content will continue to feature on the Global Nutrition Cluster’s channels.

In order to not miss out on key nutrition updates, invitations to webinars, new resources, and to request technical support from the Alliance, please make sure you are following these accounts:

LinkedIn: @Global Nutrition Cluster


Website: www.nutritioncluster.net

We are excited by the progress within the GNC Technical Alliance to make technical support for Nutrition in Emergencies increasingly accessible to countries and practitioners at all levels.

And we are confident that a unified support platform for all Global Nutrition Cluster services will provide greater clarity to global nutrition actors, and it will help us use our collective resources more efficiently, to better support nutrition actors when preparing for, responding to and recovering from nutrition emergencies within humanitarian crises.

We look forward to continuing to support you in 2024!


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