
Today we start a series of updates on nutrition programming by UNICEF regional offices and their partners to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The East Asia and the Pacific Region has had the longest exposure to COVID-19. The economic and social hardship resulting from the pandemic, especially for poor and vulnerable families and communities, are raising serious concerns about a significant deterioration in the nutritional status of children and women.
To promote commitment for action on nutrition, UNICEF and its sister agencies, FAO, WFP and WHO issued a Joint Statement calling for the implementation of priority actions to support healthy diets and adapt nutrition services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication is a priority action.
The UNICEF regional office has developed a set of materials to support country level efforts to protect and promote adequate child feeding during the COVID-19 pandemic including a great video with a story of a family learning how to feed their young child a nutritious diet, and a blog reflecting on what children will be eating in a post-COVID world.
Further, on April 29, the regional office kicked off a celebrity Chef's Challenge aiming to inspire young people and their families to prepare healthy food with an online challenge to cook, have fun and share their healthy recipes: #ForEveryChild, good nutrition!  


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