
The package for the implementation of the 2021 HPC package was released today.  The HPC package comprises:

  • A Step-by-Step guide to develop the HNO and HRP.
  • The HNO and HRP templates.
  • Complementary guidance on the Joint Intersectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF) for the HNO.
  • Complementary guidance on Response Analysis, Objectives and Targeting for the HRP.

The Step-by-Step guide and the HNO and HRP templates are updates of the same documents that countries used last year. They have been adjusted to reflect the lessons learned from last year’s first introduction of the ‘enhanced’ HPC. They aim to help field teams sequence the various actions required to develop the HNO and HRP, and to reflect the results in a more streamlined way in written documents. They also contain a strong emphasis on inclusivity in accordance with our commitments on disability, gender equality and prevention of GBV, as showcased already in the GHRP and the forthcoming GHO.

The JIAF guidance responds to a clear gap identified last year and is the result of many months of consultations with UN agencies, Global Clusters, NGOs and donors part of the Joint Intersectoral Analysis Group (JIAG).

The complementary guidance for the HRP also responds to gaps identified last year and limitations noted in HRP documents, and to expectations from donors for more clearly targeted and prioritized responses, and transparent funding requests.

As of now, the documents are shared as Word files, while conversions to InDesign and translations in French, Arabic and Spanish have been initiated. The fully formatted and translated files will be shared with you as soon as possible, hopefully no later than end August.


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